2210 W. Lazelle Street, Suite A
Sturgis, South Dakota
Providing machine work and engine rebuilding for anything from a high performance diesel motor, tractors, race motors & daily drivers.
Price list
Below you will find some of RPM Machine, Inc. standard pricing for our commonly requested machine work. Prices are subject to change based upon the project. You will be notified prior to work being done if there is any price change. Shop Rate is $75.00 per hour.
Disassemble / Assemble Motor
Short Block ......................... $ 220.00
Long Block .......................... $ 275.00
Complete Motor.................... $ 330.00
Cylinder Heads (Ea.) ........... $ 55.00
Short Block ......................... $ 550.00
Long Block ........................ $ 1100.00
Add Accessories ................... $ 275.00
Hot Tank / Sonic Wash
Heads (Ea.) ..............................$ 55.00
Short Block ...............................$ 165.00
Block Only ................................$ 82.50
Crank Only ...............................$ 66.00
Long Block .............................. $ 220.00
Misc. Parts ................................$ 55.00
Complete Motor ...................... $ 275.00
Connecting Rods ..................... $ 16.25
Cylinder Head Work
Valve Jobs
2 Valves Per Cyl .................... $60.50 ea.
3 Valve Per Cyl ..................... $66.00 ea
4 Valves Per Cyl .................... $71.50 ea.
Single Cylinder ..................... $132.00
Other Cyl. Head Work
Valve Guide Replace .............. $ 14.75 ea.
Knurl Valve Guide ................... $ 8.80 ea.
Valve Seat Replacement ..........$ 16.50 ea.
Mill Cylinder Head 2-4 cyl .......$ 137.50 ea.
Mill Cylinder Head 6 cyl ...........$ 165.00 ea
Pressure Test Heads 2-4 cyl..... $ 82.50 ea.
Pressure Test Head 6 cyl. ........ $132.00 ea
Install Helicoil ......................... $25.00 ea.
Bolt Extraction ........................ $25.00 ea. Glass Beading ......................... Per Hour
O'Ring Head ........................... $63.50 Cyl.
Engine Block Work
Crank Shaft Work
Connecting Rods
Hone Block Per Cyl. .....................$ 16.50
Bore Block Per Cyl. .....................$ 49.50
Single Cylinder Hone .................... $66.00
Bore w/ Torque Plate Per Block...... $ 82.50
Check Line Bore ...........................$ 71.50
Line Hone Block (Per Cap) ............. $ 77.00
Mill Block ....................................$ 247.50
Install Cam Bearings ................... $ 60.50
Install Sleeves ........................... $ 247.50
Bolt Extraction ........................... $ 25.00
Fire Ring Block (Per Cyl) ...............$ 63.00
Polish Crank ......................... ....... $ 71.50
Grind Crank small radius per JRNL .. $ 39.60
Grind Crank Lrg Radius per JRNL .... $ 49.50
Balance Crank/Pistons .................. $330.00
Straighten Crankshaft..................... $198.00
Recondition Rods ..................... $ 33.00 ea.
R&R F&F. Pin Bushings ............. $ 22.00 ea.
Rem. & Rep. Pistons ................ $ 11.55 ea.
Torque and Check Rods ............. $ 8.25 ea.
Gap Rings Per Cyl. ................... $ 10.33 ea.
Fit and Finish Pin Bushings ........ $15.00 ea.
Mill Flywheel / Brake Rotors & Drums
STD Flywheel ............................... $49.50
Step Flywheel .............................. $82.50
Lge. Truck / Tractor ................... $66.00
Small Rotors ............................ $ 14.30 ea.
Large Rotors ............................ $22.00 ea.
Brake Drums ............................ $22.00 ea.
Block .......................................... $110.00
Heads ea. ................................... $44.00
Crank Shaft ................................ $110.00
Connecting Rods .......................... $22.00
Misc. Parts .................................. $ 9.00